Spiritual House Cleansing

Spiritual House Cleansing

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There’s a saying here in England –  “An Englishman’s home is his castle” and that is so true. I feel that applies to us all wherever we are in the world. If your home doesn’t feel like your castle, a safe haven, a place to retreat to and feel comfortable like nowhere else on this Earth, it needs some work! 

Science has proven that everything, all matter in the universe is energy, everything has its own vibration and frequency. Some people can tap into that and use their own energy to work on improving or banishing negative energies.

With over 30 years experience in dealing with the difficult side of  spiritual energy cleansing, healing energy work and banishing nasty paranormal entities, rest assured you are in the right place.  I've a very pragmatic approach to these situations and always look for the rational cause before commencing work. There can be any number of reasons why your home may feel “off” or unhappy.  There is no “one size fits all” approach to cleansing.

There can be a build up of layer upon layer of energy and/or negativity over years from previous or current occupants of your home or even place of work. Previous or current neighbours’ energy can also seep into our space, affecting our homes and auric fields without us being aware of it building up.

Highly emotionally charged arguments, incidents or violent past events do leave a stain or imprint on the fabric of the land itself, not just the buildings upon it. I have cleansed many homes.

Cleansing and blessing every home you live in is an absolute must as well as cleansing previously owned items into the home too!  I always ask folk to remove their shoes when they arrive at my home for any session, not because I'm precious about my floors, but because I've no idea what energetic footprints are bringing brought with each individual.

Our own life events and challenges can build up in the home atmosphere, causing it to become unwelcoming, heavy, oppressive. Kinetic activity (things moving) or a false sensation of presence or being watched can occur if enough residual energy has built up. Maybe there’s nothing rational, factual or historically negative that you know of to have caused this. This is where I can tune in to find the root cause, find the right solutions to carry out the right energy work and banish whatever I find, all to bring peace and harmony to your space.

Taking the paranormal and your surroundings out of the equation for a moment, you may even have had a difficult period in your life you wish to leave behind and really start anew with a fresh clean slate.

Paranormal or spiritual activity often has a benign and kindly origin, such as loved ones who have crossed over wanting to deliver a message or show support during a challenging time in your life. Not all activity is bad.

Some activity is triggered by renovations or changes to a building, and needs to be calmed. In my experience, it is often our loved ones or friendly spirit visiting us in our homes or places of work out of curiosity or former residents in their fondness for the property they once owned.

In extreme cases physical issues can happen if an entity is just intent on causing harm to the living… thankfully this is very rare. 

The End Result:

Your home will feel different, lighter, positive, safe and peaceful, a welcoming and inviting place you look forward to coming home to.

There is no charge for this service other than travelling expenses.

Send me an email explaining your situation and a contact number and I'll call to discuss the process further.