
I know I shouldn't bite but being called a witch makes me LOL... seriously!! Its always from a well intentioned Christian who like to spout the bible at me....well I happen to know my bible really well thanks so before you start to cast stones, take the wood out of your own eye first....

I've come full circle on my spiritual journey, I've been reading for people since my early twenties when illness made me seek spiritual refuge.

As a young twenty and 'I know it all' kinda girl, I didn't practice safely at times and there are doorways into the spiritual kingdom that are best left shut. I learnt the hard way (I never do things by half) and it was then that my spiritual path took me down the religious route.

Again, I don't do things by halves and that is where I've been HIDING for the last 16 years, in the spiritual closet, too afraid to come out for fear of retribution and the punishment of God. Last year I came out of the closest because I believe that this is my calling. It's a lonely journey I can tell you and I've lost many so called 'friends' because their beliefs don't align with mine.

SO before you come at me with the whole witchcraft battering, here's a little history lesson for you, one that organised religion doesn't want people to know, because God forbid you have an opinion.

The word witch doesn’t mean what you think it does..

The origin of the word ‘witch’ doesn’t imply someone is casting spells, practicing sorcery or doing anything of ill-intent at all.
And it’s definitely not a derogatory term, even though it’s often thrown out as one.

The word witch is derived from the Old English wit(t), gewit(t), referring to the mind as the seat of consciousness. The word wit, means keenness and quickness of perception or discernment.
and the practice of wit-craft, it means you practice keen wisdom.

As someone who exercises skill in the making (-craft) of the wisdom (wit-), when someone calls you a witch, they have identified you as someone who is practicing the art of using your own wisdom.

I HELP people, live their best lives. I help people to have clarity and show them avenues that they didn't consider before.
I help to bring calm where there is chaos and LOVE where there is none. If that makes me a witch then I guess I'm happy to don the broomstick.

#dontjudge #religiontocontrolthemasses #owningit #lightinthedarkness #healer #spiritualreader #intuitive